30 November 2009

Change is Life!

How many times have I heard this? Almost everybody in my life, who got a chance, told me "Change is Life', some more philosophical people said "The only constant thing in life is change." Of course this is a universal fact that nothing is forever. Stagnant water stinks and so would stagnant life. May be that is why God made change the only constant thing in life, so that we do not die of the smell!

Change is life---I think it is easier said than accepted. At least for me. I am a kind of person who loves change but is always scared of it. May be many people do. It is natural to feel scared of the unknown. I feel the same. Every time my life takes a turn, I feel scared to think about the unknown ahead. Similarly, when people change, it does not hurt anymore because I know that people are meant to change but still it bothers. Not in a negative sense, may be not even in a positive sense but it does. I can't ignore seeing the change! However, it should not be like this. If I have accepted that change is life then I should not be bothered about it but till date, I am.

Recently, somebody told me again Change is Life, so to live please change...rapidly, continuously, and consistently! Now, this is something new... it is not just that I have to accept change, I have to be a part of it too and that too ---rapidly, continuously, and consistently!

So, this has become the motive of the day---30th November, 2009!

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